Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Back From a Long Break ...

Hello again, everyone! How long has it been since my last post? A year? Maybe longer? I had taken some time off to focus more on school with my dd, who is now six, and will be seven in June. We are still pursuing a classical model of education, but I have recently decided to relax some and enjoy school more, and take the time to treasure the opportunities we have to be together. I want my dd to have an excellent and challenging education, but at the same time, one of the main reasons I decided to homeschool was to have a close and influential relationship with my dd. That is something that is all too easy to lose sight of in the midst of the pursuit of academic excellence, especially when you combine that with working a full-time job. Therefore, I have been trying to streamline our formal academic time as much as possible and cover the rest in a more natural and relational way. One major change I have made is that I am trying to take more field trips with dd. My goal is to take at least one field trip each week. I made this change about three weeks ago, and so far we have been successful. I am hoping to keep a record of these trips on this blog, but past experience with said blog has taught me not to make any promises. I am going to try to include dd in the creation of these posts as much as possible, to increase her interest in writing and also as another relationship-building activity. We have three trips to post on so far (with pictures!) so we intend to get at least the first one up this week, but we'll see how it goes. Here's hoping for a more blog-filled future.