Monday, February 25, 2008

Improving our Homeschool Plan - Week One - Update

It has been a busy week of cleaning! Though we didn't accomplish every goal I had set on the list, dh and I made big progress toward getting our bedroom clean (Thank you, Lord!). We got about the first half of the tasks on my list accomplished, which was really the bulk of the work anyway. We had one really strong working day, after which we kind of lost our motivation and didn't get a whole lot more done. Even though I am a little disappointed in what we got done, I am not going to let it get me down. We are just going to keep plugging away at the work ahead of us, knowing that God is faithful.
I have been doing some thinking as to how we could accomplish more with our time and keep our motivation high in the things we need to do. This is what I have come up with so far (not just for the bedroom cleaning, but our homeschooling/home management system as a whole):
*Make our goals shorter range, such as daily instead of weekly on things like housecleaning.
*Dh is going to do most of the homeschooling with Will and Sam, leaving me to concentrate on Grace, as I work a full-time job outside the home.
*Put the work and the day in God's hands and take it one day at a time, as I tend to get overwhelmed when I think about the entirety of what needs to be done (who wouldn't get overwhelmed like that?)
*Change up the tasks that we are working on more often, to stave off boredom.
From now on, I hope to post at least weekly updates as to what has been going on with our plan, our homeschooling and life in general. In the spirit of what I just wrote above, I think I am just going to write a couple of goals for today, and then maybe give an update tomorrow on how it went. So here goes with the goals:
1) Do another load of laundry
2) Work on Grace's Bible curriculum
Thank you for your prayers, and please continue to pray for us. Through Christ we will succeed in all that has been set before us.